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Control Center Upgrade

Access all the latest Control Center features by upgrading today

Upgrade to Control Center v19.5 for the latest features

Revamp solutions to utilize technology that further drives better safety and security practices.

Access the new features including:

VT100 Body Worn Camera

Export footage from your VT100 devices the same way as, and alongside your fixed cameras in IVCC. Take advantage of VideoManagers timely software to easily access recorded video for later review.

Software House CCure 9000

Refine access control using the most up-to-date version of Software House CCure 9000.

Windows Active Directory with Multiple Trusted Domains

Decrease system management overheads by allowing multiple trusted domains within Active Directory.

Once you have completed the upgrade form, your Regional Sales Manager will be in touch to get you up and running with Control Center v19.5.

Ready to speak to one of our fixed video experts about Control Center? Request a 1-to-1 discussion below.

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